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SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems

Table of Contents
Volume 1, Issue 1, pp. 1-174

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Hamiltonian Systems Near Relative Periodic Orbits

Claudia Wulff and Mark Roberts

pp. 1-43

Stepwise Precession of the Resonant Swinging Spring

Darryl D. Holm and Peter Lynch

pp. 44-64

Homoclinic Stripe Patterns

Arjen Doelman and Harmen van der Ploeg

pp. 65-104

Chaos in the Hodgkin--Huxley Model

John Guckenheimer and Ricardo A. Oliva

pp. 105-114

Calculation of the Stability Index in Parameter-Dependent Calculus of Variations Problems: Buckling of a Twisted Elastic Strut

Kathleen A. Hoffman, Robert S. Manning, and Randy C. Paffenroth

pp. 115-145

Synchronized Activity and Loss of Synchrony Among Heterogeneous Conditional Oscillators

Jonathan Rubin and David Terman

pp. 146-174